South America was the obvious choice for me when embarking on what will be my biggest trip to date. Knowing that I am about to set off on a trip that will take me from the most beautiful of beaches to the driest of deserts, with everything in between, has me beyond excited. I cannot wait to see what these upcoming months has in store for me.
♥ ♥ ♥
Three days in Quito
I arrived at my hostel at my hostel in Quito after a long journey from Ipiales. Quito was a place I'd heard mixed things about, but I was excited to make up my own opinion. Regardless it was exciting to be in a new country, and even though I was tired from travelling all day I couldn't wait to start exploring. My first night in Quito a few guys that worked at my hostel invited those who wanted to go up and see the Virgin of Quito at El Panecillo after dark. I jumped at the opportunity as I...
Travel summary: Colombia
Days spent: 35Beds slept in: 9Hammocks slept in: 2Places visited: 12Night buses taken: 2Day buses taken: 13Items gotten rid of: 1Items stolen: 0Dogs petted: 1000 ish --- I was counting on really liking Colombia, but I was still surprised at how much I ended up loving it. I had a few "sure you wanna go there, isn't that awfully dangerous" from people back home when I said I wanted to spend a month in Colombia, but I am now happy to say that the country proved them all wrong. As long as you use your common sense and don't...
My first border crossing – Colombia to Ecuador
Even though I spent five weeks in Colombia, my first border crossing came upon me quite suddenly. I don't think I realised that I was leaving Colombia until I was on my way to the border, even though the journey to get there was pretty long. Both for safety and convenience reasons I decided to split the journey up a bit. In that way I managed to avoid spending too many consecutive hours on a bus. I also avoided travelling by night, something I wanted because the stretch is known for armed robberies of buses after dark. It probably...
Salento – where the wax palms and coffee beans grow
Salento wasn't actually on my itinerary, but the more I spoke to people who had been there, the more I realised that I had to go. Therefore, instead of getting on the bus to Bogota when I eventually managed to pull myself away from Medellin, I boarded a small, uncomfortable minibus which took me to Salento in about 7 hours. I opted for the minibus as it is the only way to get to Salento without stopping in either Armenia or Pereira, but if I were to go again I would probably choose a big bus with a stopover....
Never have I felt more grateful to be part of anything
I'd been walking through streets covered in the most amazing graffiti for hours, knowing that this all started as a substitute for violence and bloodshed. There were stories on the walls and I got to hear them. How amazing was that, and how lucky was I?...
Medellin – the hardest one to leave yet
Medellin stole my heart and was incredibly difficult to leave. I recommend everyone a visit to get to know the city and the people of Medellin....
San Gil – Colombias adventure capital
San Gil is the adventure capital of Colombia and offers a range of adrenaline packed activities. Such a fun place to spend a few days!...
The enchanting Casa Elemento, Minca
Casa Elemento in Minca might be the most unreal location I have ever been to. Read about my stay and why it's worth risking the scary motor bike ride here....
My guide to Parque Tayrona
Parque Tayrona is a magical place and deserves a spot on every Colombia itinerary. Read my guide on how to make the most of your time in the park here....
Santa Marta and Taganga
Santa Marta and Taganga are perfect hubs for onward travel on the Caribbean coast. Here's how to spend a full day in the two towns....